Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I was never very good at letting Porter eat all by himself. I was in to much of a hurry, wanting no messes and to make sure he was getting enough to eat. And lets just admit it, I am a control freak over things like this. So yes, I spoon fed him way too much. It took everything in me today to let Ellery eat her lunch all by herself with no help from me.

Yeah Ellery!
Psyche, but she's getting close!!
And I don't know about anyone else but this picture makes me chuckle!! Not much difference in size between my 26 month old and my 9 month old!!!
Porter: 28lbs. 36in.
Ellery: 23lbs. 30in :P
(Don't mind Porters grumpy face, right before the picture Elle was trying to steal his car!)
OH and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! (on Monday)
I really had a birthday weekend. On Friday my friend Sarah offered to babysit while Jason and I went out. When we left she said "Have fun, do something crazy!" So we did just that! We went to dinner at Potbelly's (awesome sandwich place with yummy malts) then we had to run some errands (You know, get diapers so our kids could have some in the morning!) Then we decided we wanted desert, the malts weren't enough. So we headed to TGI Fridays and we ended up having a second dinner. Not really but we ordered an appetizer, a side of french fries and a desert! Thats my kind of CRAZY!
Then on Saturday night my girlfriends took me to the FUNNEST place ever! It's called Ed Debevic's. HOLY COW I felt like I was on the set of Greese!!!! It was so much fun being in the city and in this old diner, where all of their employees were in the 50's style. They danced on the counters and the waiters put on an act of not being very nice, annoying, funny, etc. It was such a crazy fun place!Here is our crazy waiter!
Oh and don't worry, here he is singing an impromptu birthday song for me in front of the entire restaurant! It was such a BLAST!


Weston and William's Blog said...

I love the pictures!! I have a VERY similar one of Weston and William in diapers and they seem the same size! So cute! And it looks like your birthday was so special!! How fun to go out with the girls!

lindsay said...

woo-hoo! I'm stealing your pictures. Hope you don't mind. :)

Sarah said...

Your kind of crazy is totally my kind of crazy! I love the pics that you got at Ed Debevics. It was so fun going out for your birthday!

Lindsey said...

Happy birthday! February birthdays are the best! Sounds like you had fun. I'm all about two dinners and two desserts.

Linds Forrest said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! That sounds like such a fun birthday weekend!! Glad it was great... you deserve it!

Jessica said...

Yeah for babysitters!! So glad you got out and got CRAZY. :) I love the picture of your kids next to each other in diapers, that just crazy how close in size they are! What cuties.

Erin said...

happy belated birthday!!! it looks like it was a lot of fun!!!!