Saturday, September 19, 2009


Jason and I were enjoying the nice long 4 hour nap our children were taking when at 5:00 Ellery was the first one we heard from. I walked into the room to find my baby with poop covered hands. I called for Jason to start running a tub. We get Ellery all cleaned up and a load of laundry going when Porter woke up from the long nap soaking wet. (Thinking at this moment how much I hate Walmart diapers!) I hurry and get him undressed and without thinking I unlock and open the washing machine.......
This is one of those days you wish you weren't the parents of THAT mess! Talk about POO hitting the fan!!!


Linds Forrest said...

ha ha. oh sad! At least you already are finding the humor in it! Good luck!

Weston and William's Blog said...

oh my gosh. Have you tried Luvs? I know every diaper is different for each kid, but with boys my boys we've had GREAT luck with Luvs. Just an idea, I'm sure you've already tried them. Let's get together this week!! Oh- and we got a garage today!! yay!!

Sarah said...

That stinks so bad!!!!! Don't you hate days like that??? I am so sorry you had to deal with that poopy mess but I can totally relate to how feel. We actually had to start duct taping Jackson's diapers so he won't take them off and make a poopy mess anymore. And why does poop seem so much grosser when it isn't in their diaper??? Hang in there Mindi:)

Shannon said...

I like your new blog look, it's really cute. Can you believe the messes such little people can make? And it's like they conspire to do it at the same time or something. Oh well. At least you thought to blog about it and then you can laugh about it later!

Jessica said...

Totally the worst part of parenting... poopy messes! I've learned that peace and quiet come at a price, apparently a 4 hour nap comes at a HIGH price!