Friday, January 25, 2008

aahhh ahh ahhHHH!

You know that noise you make right before your child does something he isn't supposed to do? Well Porter is FINALLY understanding the word NO and even better he understands that noise. He is such a good little boy when he hears those two things he does stop getting into, or stops doing what he knows he is not supposed to. But you also get this face, to tell you the truth it cracks me up! He furrows his brow and sticks out his lips and makes this little moaning sound. (Kinda like a "Shucks, you caught me.") It is to cute!

But don't you dare try and make that face back to him because he is serious, and this is what you will get in return!

But the best part about it is, like I said he is such a good boy and immediately stops whatever it is he was doing! Man I love this boy!!!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


So the other day I was looking around at other people's blogs, some I don't even know (which I tend to do.) And came across this and it looked fun. It is a little get to know you questionnaire, you are supposed to answer the questions using Google, you put your answer in, and then find an image of your answer. And I have to say it was pretty fun to look at what things pull up when you plug in your answer.

So here it goes...
How old are you?

Where do you live?
What is your middle name?

What is your occupation?

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite color?
(I couldn't decide? I love them both)

What do you like to do in your spare time?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite music?

What is your favorite book?

It was fun you guys should try it!

Monday, January 21, 2008


That's right, that was the temperature here in Naperville, IL yesterday!! Before we left for Utah it felt like any other cold winter. But when we returned last week everything had changed. They say January and February are the worst and HOLY COW has it been cold the last few days. Today's weather says it is 11 degrees feels like 0!! All I can say is it hurts. Literally you walk out side and any tiny bit of skin that is bare feels like it is on fire ya, i know that sounds stupid but it is the best way to describe how miserable it is. (So what if I sound like a baby, it's COLD!)

Now that that has been said, it is a sweat outfit stay in the house kind of day!

So I was looking around Porter's room today and can you say TOYS! When porter was around 9 months old I felt like all he had were silly little infant toys that he had grown out of......well now.....we have a whole different problem. With his birthday, Christmas, and my sister giving me toys her family has grown out of, his room is FULL of toys (some not even opened yet.) He has had a blast playing with all of his new toys. I am trying not to freak out about the fact that his room never looks clean to me because of the mass of toys lining the walls. But with a small apartment this is the best place for all of them to go.
He loves this dinosaur that my sister gave him!

See the unopened train in the back

For Porter's birthday we got him the Little People Barn, so for Christmas my mom decided to get him an entire village to go along with it! We are so excited and extremely grateful to everyone who has helped our toy pile grow. And with another child in the way, we won't have to buy much more!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jason Jones

Saturday January 19, 2008
You are the best HUSBAND and DADDY ever!
I want to wish Jason a very HAPPY 26th birthday. We LOVE YOU sooo much!
Husband Tag!

What is his name? Jason Jones Butterfield
How long have you been married? 3 1/2 years
How long did you date? 10 months to the engagement so....13 months total.
How old is he? 26 on Saturday! (Jan. 19)
Who eats more? Depends, all around I would have to say Jason does.
Who said I love you first? Jason, but I was ready to say it right back.
Who is smarter? Jason all the way! (He thinks I need to give myself more credit.)
Whose temper is worse? Hmmm...I think we both have our moments.
Who does the laundry? I do, but he is always willing to help.
Who does the dishes? We both do, he knows it is my least favorite thing to do so he might do them more often.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking from the foot of the bed I do, but it is definitely a fight.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who cooks dinner? I do, but Jason really enjoys playing around in the kitchen.
Who drives when you are together? Jason (I hate driving!)
Who is more stubborn? I think that would be me.
Whose parents do you see the most? When we are in Utah we try to make it even. But since Jason's parents are going to be in Kirtland the next 2 years we will be seeing them as often as we can.
Who proposed? Jason
Who has more friends? In Utah we hang out with Jason's friends, but I would like to consider them my friends too. In Illinois, it is about the same unless you count his school friends then he has more.
Who has more siblings? Jason, he is the youngest of 8
Who wears the pants in the family? Both of us.
I tag......Ereka, Erin, Stephanie, Jessica, and Stacie.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Porter Man!

I miss blogging SO much!  Jason calls me a blog-a-hollic (probably true.)  But since being in Utah I have had hardly any Internet access.  I will be home on Monday and will have to update all of our Utah fun.  (I left our camera cords at home, sorry no pictures!)  Except for this! My awesome sister took Porter's pictures this afternoon. Here is just a peek of what's to come, she has to finish proofing the rest.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

We are Having a BABY!!!

Okay, yes we already know it's a girl because I am 21 weeks along!! Jason and I thought it would be a fun surprise to tell our parents we are pregnant and the sex for Christmas, however that didn't happen to work out. I had an ultra sound in Chicago at 18 weeks and the baby was not cooperating so we had to give our parents the news that we are pregnant and NOT tell the sex. First thing I did was call my wonderful OB here in Utah (who I used to work for) and they told me to come on in, and that is how we were able to find out IT'S A GIRL!!! We are so excited, we can hardly stand it, it feels so good to know that we now have one of each. Jason says the pressure is off, he knew i would not settle until we had a little girl. Don't get me wrong I love having our little boy he is the best little man ever. But there is something about getting a little girl all dolled up with all the fun accessories BOWS and more BOWS there is no such thing as too big!

Now let's get to the crazy part. If I am 21 weeks and Porter just turned a year, and you do the math.....Yes, our children will be 17 months apart. We are going to have our hands full!! But I say BRING IT ON. I am so very excited to have my little babies!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Okay, so it's been a while since I have updated this blog! We are still in Utah and having soooooo much fun! Christmas was a blast. We got in around 4:00 Utah time and did not get to my parents house until almost 6:30, I could not believe the snow that was coming down it was crazy. We were just happy we were able to land. Christmas Eve was spent with my family and we split Christmas as evenly as we could. It was so much fun playing with Porter and all of his new toys.

Since Christmas we have been running all over the place. We have had a list of places we just had to go while we were home. My first stop was Cafe Rio, we went the day after Christmas, and will be going back very shortly! It has been so much fun catching up with family and seeing how much everyone has grown. If you know the Butterfield family there are so many kids to watch grow up in the short 4 months that we have been gone. We got to see our niece Olivia for the first time (already 3 months old.) We also got to see Molly, Easton, Jack, Joshua (they have changed the most!) We got to see Tiffany's pregnant belly and my shrinking mom and sister, way to go girls! And that is just to name a few!!!
(sorry no pictures this time, I will be posting shortly with some new updates!)