To keep up the pathetic train I WAS on. Guess what got me to do it.....MAJOR compensation and bribery from my FATHER...pathetic...I KNOW . I KNEW that by the time this baby boy gets here both of my kids needed to be in under ware. YES, you heard right my 4 yr. old was not potty trained!! I blamed a lot of it on his inability to communicate easily with us...GARBAGE MINDI....I was lazy, uninterested, scared, and critical of others when it was ME who I should have been hard and judgemental to!
Enough with the self bashing. Because to tell you the truth I'm not sure I would have been able to handle it or would have wanted it to happen any other way. We started potty training on a Tuesday and by Wednesday evening Porter had it DOWN....DONE he was fully potty trained in what I would call a day! NO accidents, stays dry through the night DONE! He is a pro...I don't have to bother asking or reminding him he just goes and does it accident free for over a month.
Ellery on the other hand....I do consider her potty trained. She actually got it just as fast as Porter did. BUT we can't seem to do the deed (#2) on the toilet yet. She just cries and says she is scared and that she can't. I feel for her and I'm not sure how to help her. She has had her accidents here and there but is doing fantastic. She is after all what I would consider an appropriate age(2) to be trained. I am so proud of my BIG kids, no thanks to myself. They are the best kids EVER and I am so proud of them. They are the coolest kids in the world and I love them to the moon and back 1,o00,000,000 times!
Mindi you are not a bad mom.... just a smart one! Boys are really tough to potty train and the longer you wait, the easier it is. I tried potty training Jackson when he was 3 1/2 and after a week of trying to force and fight him to go I just decided to give it a rest until he actually wanted to go. After that, I remember thinking that I was going to wait until he begged me to go on the potty before I'd even attempt it again. About 2 months later he did it all on his own and has been trained ever since. Your smart and saved yourself months of torture by not trying too early! Your an amazing mom and your kids are so lucky to have you!!!
I feel your pain. I am the same way. Sophie was such an AWFUL experience to potty train that I swore up and down that I would NEVER train Tessa. Well, I put it off long enough that she started to ask me to go potty and when she was going on the potty a few times a day I finally gave in and did it. Not near as bad as Sophie was. We're just on our 2nd week of no diapers. Doesn't it feel good!
Oh MY! I hate, hate, hate, hate potty training! Dax was doing awesome until he learned how to pee outside when there's nothing else available.....a few major steps back, and we're finally on the wagon again, but are still struggling with "the deed" as you say. It's for the best in the end, right???
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