Sunday May 24th 8:15 P.M.
Me: "Hey Porter, do you want to throw away all of your Binkys?"
Porter: "OKAY!"
With out looking back he ran into my room and put his hand up reaching for his "Binky bucket" when I set it down he took every last Binky in the bucket (six total) and ran to the kitchen.
Me: Okay Porter, if you throw your binkys away that means we are a big boy and CAN NOT get them out.
And with out hesitation there he went one at a time throwing them into the garbage! And the whole time Jason and I were holding our hands over our mouths and holding back the sadness WE felt. We loved our BINKY BOY, and HE loved his binkys!!!
How PORTER is handling all of this.....well Sunday night he was a little wound up, we could hear him in his room gabbing away when all of a sudden we heard "GINKY, GINKY....WHERE ARE YOU????" So cute, yet so sad. He did end up falling asleep shortly after that. Today nap time was tough and bed time he was just plain sad, it only lasted for about 15 minutes. I just keep telling myself this is a good thing. I am so proud of my little man for doing it all on his own! Other than Sunday's "binky call" he has not mentioned them since. Now he just needs to figure out his own way to sooth and get himself to sleep with out the MUCH loved BINKY!!!!