Thursday, December 25, 2008


Christmas this year was so much fun. No matter how much I told Jason "Let's just hop on a plane and go to Utah!" I had so much fun staying at home and enjoying the time with our little family! I am excited to keep lots of our family traditions alive, and start some of our own!
Here are some pictures of the kids on Christmas Eve. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get a picture of them together. Porter refuses to cooperate with the camera!

Here we are showing off our new Christmas pj's!

Porter was so fun to watch this morning. He would open one gift and be satisfied. He didn't care to keep opening. And for some reason he would not let go of his new tooth brush (probably because it has a car on it)! (And YES he is in new pajamas, he decided to sleep in until almost 9:00 and was in his diaper just a little too long!)
Ellery was a pro at unwrapping her gifts. We didn't have to give hers a head start, like we had to do to get Porter interested. She would grab her gifts and get down to business! And of course the wrapping paper is much more fun than the actual gift.

She got 2 of the cutest baby dolls EVER! (Thanks Kari we LOVE it!)
And the MONKEY BREAD this morning was DELICIOUS!!!!
I love this day to enjoy time with loved ones, to remember my Savior and to soak up all the goodness I can get that comes along with the season. I want to wish you all a VERY merry Christmas, and hope you all had time to enjoy the TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh Come Let us Adore Him...

Merry Chirstmas:)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Yesterday was Porters 2nd BIRTHDAY! We had a fabulous day. To start the day off right we headed to McDonalds with some FRIENDS for breakfast and to play in the PLAY PLACE! Porter loves to play there because he can do it all by himself! And it was perfect going there for breakfast, it was empty so Porter and all his little friends had the place to themselves.
Here are the cute MONKEY cupcakes we took to share with his friends! They were a big hit!
Here he is opening PRESENTS! He was in CARS heaven, I have been searching the last few months or so to find all of the "CARS" cars he didn't yet have. Every car that he opened he would shout out their name as soon as he saw a glimpse of who it was. (And trust me he knows! Lets just say he calls Target "Lightning" he knows exactly where they are in each store, and won't give up until we go and look at them.) The cutest part though was with each rip of the wrapping paper he would say "THANK-YOU!" he was so excited with each one. I love how easily he gets excited!! LOVE HIM!!
(Here he is screaming out the names!)
Here he is with just some of the LOOT! Mack was the winner of the night he LOVES Mack!! (Thanks mom!)

Grandma and Grandpa sent him some money and we ended up getting him a LIGHTNING racetrack for all the cars. And he can do all by himself. LOVES IT!!
And you gotta love that face blowing out his candles!
It was a fabulous day, Porter couldn't have asked for more. And I couldn't ask for more in my boy! Porter is my little buddy, he makes me smile all day long, he is so sweet, smart, loving, and adorable. Love you to death bud. JUST STOP GROWING UP!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

7 Months!

Man, where does time go. My baby is already 7 months old! She is so spunky and cute. It's so fun to see how opposite my 2 kids are in so many ways. With Ellery it is so HARD to get a smile out of her. She will look and look at you and not crack one bit, no matter how hard you try! She loves to be sung to. (Usually the way to make her smile:D) She doesn't love her big girl food as much as I thought she would. She is a pro at sitting up, yet the whole rolling over thing is still not so good. I catch her watching TV all the time (Something Porter didn't do until he was a year old.)

And then Porter and Ellery are the same in all the good ways, love to sleep, content with with what ever, HAPPY and HEALTHY!
(This girl ALWAYS has her tongue out of her mouth, her favorite thing to do is suck on her top lip with it. So silly looking!)
And Mom, her cute little hair sticks up more everyday! LOVE IT!!
Oh and here is our attempt at getting a picture with Santa this year, Ellery sleeping in his arms and Porter not wanting to get near him!

Friday, December 5, 2008

BABY it's COLD outside!!

When it is 19 degrees outside and 20-30mph winds to make it feel like 6 degrees. It doesn't get much better than PAJAMAS and WARM cookies! (Tomorrow's HIGH is 29 degrees!!!)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Proud Mama

I just have to brag about my perfect, adorable, stinkin' cute, lovable kiddos. Not that they don't do fantastic things every day. But here are just a few reasons as of lately why I love them so stinking much!
My little Porter loves his BANANAS sooo much that if I let him he would eat 12 a day. So when he runs into the kitchen and wants something to eat, he knows which corner to head to. Not for the M&M's, Reese's, cookies, and I think there were even a few York peppermint patties. (What, we like our treats. And we know that if we are stocked up Brandon will help us eat them all!) Porter would rather eat a banana. Don't get me wrong he still loves to sit and snack on M&M's with mom. But to beg for a banana over all those other things that an almost 2 year old would want.... He is too CUTE!! (P.S. Lets just say we never have to worry about brown bananas, that bunch of bananas would be gone in a day and a half!)
And I'm never very good at keeping up on all the little milestones that babies are supposed to do. But I am pretty sure my baby is a genius!! So everyone knows the whole "SO BIG" game that we all play with our babies. Well our little Ellery already plays it all by herself at 6 months old. At first we thought it was just a fluke. But every time we say "SO BIG" she arches her little back and throws her arm into the air with a big ol' smile on her face. SO CUTE!!
And I just love all of the little faces this girl can pull, she is already so silly, and has huge personality. I can already see how fun she is going to continue to be! WHaT a DoLL!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

He didn't learn it from his mom

I have always hated laying on my stomach. I don't understand how people do it, it's so uncomfortable. But Porter's new thing is laying on his tummy and playing with his toys!

I think it all started in the tub. And it is so darn hard to get him washed while submerged in water.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

LOOK what I can DO!!

Oh, and this too!

That's right my little tub-a-lub learned to SIT and ROLL OVER at the same time!! LOVE her!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Crafty Magoo!

I have been up to my elbows in RIBBON the last few days. I am on the enrichment committee in my ward, and was asked to teach bow making for our FABULOUS FRIDAY tonight! I was in Utah the whole time people were signing up for the class. I had no idea how many people signed up until I got home, HOLY MOLY I had lots to do this week!To add to it, I finished making these ADORABLE quilted flowers that I started making in Utah with my mom. I LOVE them!
The whole thing started when my mom made Ellery this cute little dress and put one on the sash.
If I had my choice I would put them everywhere. The pictures do not do them JUSTICE, they have raw edges with a very thin piece of batting in between, I just love them!!! Here are 2 little ones that I put on some clips for Ellery's (and my) hair!

Monday, November 10, 2008

SICK"s" Months old

I'm kinda a dork, so if you didn't get the title, my baby girl is SIX months old today! Ellery was sick the last week we were in Utah. Last week she was just fine, and yesterday it all started up again. She has an ugly stomach virus. She has no appetite and throws up her formula and the rest comes out.. well you can figure where it comes out! She went in for her check up today and the Doctor said we pretty much have to wait it out, and just make sure she doesn't get dehydrated. (Don't worry Porter and I also caught it, we have been throwing up all over the place!)
Weight- 19lbs. 13oz. (off the charts, BUT she barley gained over 1 pound in 2 months, that is major improvement. They say she is almost on the charts:)
Height- 27 1/2 inches (95%)
Head- she just said she was in the 75%

Some sick pictures of my baby, I am in LOVE with these next two pictures they show the sweet little side of this perfect baby! In this first one you will see her holding Jason's finger. This is her drug of choice, you give her your finger and she is as happy as can be!
The other night Jason and I were having one of our many picnics and were enjoying some red vines. Ellery must have thought they looked pretty good and thought she would join in. (It's funny what you let happen with your 2nd baby, I would have never allowed this to go into Porter's mouth at this age!!)

There's my happy girl! Gotta love her!
OH, and before it gets way too lame to put up Halloween pictures, here are my CHICK and COW!! (He wasn't to happy with the outfit.)
This is the only picture I got of him looking at me. How can you not LOVE that face!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


My little brother decided that he didn't want to be picked up from his mission in California. He wanted to come home and do the whole airport thing and then head back to California after his
farewell talk. So the second week of my vacation was spent in California. My parents rented a van to fit us all, and Monday morning we were off to visit some of Landon's mission sights. We went to awesome outlets and ate yummy food. And of course PINKBERRY was on my list of things to do!

The Beach was lots of fun we were there just before the sun set. It was beautiful!

Late Tuesday night the rest of my family flew in to head to Disney Land!!! It was lots of fun, I was way to distracted to take any pictures so here is what I did get.

There was a major heat wave that week. California Adventure had a fun splash area to cool off. To my surprise Porter loved it!

Porter loved all the Bug's Life rides, the Playhouse Disney show, and the highlight of the week was getting to see his best friend LIGHTNING McQUEEN!

It was so cute when Dori came up and gave Easton's Bruce a Kiss!!!

We also went to Sea World, I loved the shows, but I could care less about the rest!