Saturday January 19, 2008
You are the best HUSBAND and DADDY ever!
I want to wish Jason a very HAPPY 26th birthday. We LOVE YOU sooo much!
Husband Tag!
What is his name? Jason Jones Butterfield
How long have you been married? 3 1/2 years
How long did you date? 10 months to the engagement so....13 months total.
How old is he? 26 on Saturday! (Jan. 19)
Who eats more? Depends, all around I would have to say Jason does.
Who said I love you first? Jason, but I was ready to say it right back.
Who is smarter? Jason all the way! (He thinks I need to give myself more credit.)
Whose temper is worse? Hmmm...I think we both have our moments.
Who does the laundry? I do, but he is always willing to help.
Who does the dishes? We both do, he knows it is my least favorite thing to do so he might do them more often.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking from the foot of the bed I do, but it is definitely a fight.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who cooks dinner? I do, but Jason really enjoys playing around in the kitchen.
Who drives when you are together? Jason (I hate driving!)
Who is more stubborn? I think that would be me.
Whose parents do you see the most? When we are in Utah we try to make it even. But since Jason's parents are going to be in Kirtland the next 2 years we will be seeing them as often as we can.
Who proposed? Jason
Who has more friends? In Utah we hang out with Jason's friends, but I would like to consider them my friends too. In Illinois, it is about the same unless you count his school friends then he has more.
Who has more siblings? Jason, he is the youngest of 8
Who wears the pants in the family? Both of us.
I tag......Ereka, Erin, Stephanie, Jessica, and Stacie.