Thursday, February 7, 2008

Favorite Pictures!

I have been tagged by my friend Lindsey to post 10 of my favorite pictures, which is so pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to do. So here are just a few of my family favorites!

I had a thing for SNICKERS (and cookies) when I was pregnant with Porter so while we were in the hospital Jason bought me one and took P's picture with it! And of course our first picture as mother and son!
I just love, LOVE this picture of my Boys! It was so fun to see Jason in the hospital with his little boy!

Do I even have to explain? My sister came over to our house a few days after Porter was born to take pictures and this was towards the end of the pictures. Do you think he was done?

I have always loved this picture of my little Monkey, he is so sweet while he is sleeping!

Porter was playing with his toy and before I knew it, I looked over and he was asleep with toy in hand. ( I forgot how bald he got.)
Such a sweet face!

Honestly, I could care less about the picture except that I think Jason looks so freekin' HOT in it! (P.S. I really hate my brown hair, never let me do that again!)

And what can I say about these last 2 other than my baby boy is growing up! He looks so handsome and so BIG!

I now tag.....Michelle, Erin, and Carly Z.


Linds Forrest said...

I love the pictures Mindi! The one of him crying is so cute, and you have such an attractive family! I am so glad we can stay in touch this way.

The Tenney's said...

I'm VERY impressed that there is a picture of YOU in that mix!!!! such darling pics!

Stephanie said...

I think my favorite is the snicker pic, but of course they are ALL so dang cute!

Jessica said...

My favorites are of him screaming and of him sitting on the steps in b&w. Very cute, thanks for sharing!

HayleeBean said...

Good to see that my pictures are 6 out of 10 of them!

The Stanley's said...

Such cute pics! Porter is so cute, I can't get over it. I don't have your e-mail, but wanted to let ya know that we have an official blog spot now. It's Check it out and change your link!

Michelle said...

OK I love the snicker bar picture, its priceless!!! I loved all your pictures, so fun to see them all!!!