Monday, May 5, 2008

Porter LOVES to get out!

Don't mind the ugly pregnancy feet! So....this afternoon after Porter's nap, he comes up to me with 2 shoes in hand literally trying to put them on my feet. As soon as I understood what he was trying to do, I went ahead and put them on. It's amazing that he got a left and right, and as soon as I had both on he got a huge grin on his face and started waving BYE-BYE! I don't blame him it was a super nice day outside!!

Needless to say we did end up going out, how could I say no. (However, I did wear matching shoes!) We ended up at the grocery store and I made the best purchase of the year!! Let me just say, I wait ALL YEAR LONG for Christmas time to come around to eat MINT M&M's, and I don't know why in the world M&M's stopped making the CRISPY M&M's in the first place, they are delicious! Well, I'm sure you can guess what's next....they are making limited edition Indiana Jones CRISPY MINT M&M's!! Yummmmmmm!!!!!


James and Mary said...

yeah for herman and ducky! (remember how carli named your feet in high school??)

Linds Forrest said...

Have you ever tried Mint M&M's?! I agree with you about Crispy M&M's... and now I am totally intrigued! Can't wait to try these Mint Crispy M&M's.

Proter is so cute how he brought you some shoes!! What an awesome little guy!

Jessica said...

Cute story. Sophie brings me my shoes all day too, so I have to shut the closet. :) I'm afried mint crispy m&m's don't sound too appetizing, call me crazy but I never got into the crispy thing. My fav is peanut butter m&m's!

Stephanie said...

That is just too darn cute!! Watching them learn things is the absolute BEST!!

Stephanie said...

Guess what! Micki has finally made a blog, but she is still putting it all together, so maybe leave her a comment so she can just click over to your blog...

Brady, Emily, Brinklee, Adri (Private) said...

Brinklee does the same thing and says "go, side, go, shoes." It is so cute. They love the outdoors. I can't believe how close you are. You are going to have this baby soon. Wow!!! Good luck.

Carli said...

OH MY GOSH! I was just about to comment about how I named your feet, and then I saw Mary's comment. That's funny she remembered. I really do love your feet.