List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, and 3 Random Surprising Facts About Yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
Three Joys
1. Jason
2. My babies
3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and all it entails. It is so true about what people say when you don't live near your family, how your ward becomes like family. I love my "family."
Three Fears
1. snakes, spiders
2. someone in my family dying
3. needles
Three goals
1. loose baby weight
2. start selling bows
3. better scripture study
Three current obsessions/collections
1. Finding "treasures" at Good Will and Garage Sales (It's bad, but I've found great things!)
2. Making bows
3. Trying to get Ellery to smile, and trying to get Porter to say new words.
Three random surprising facts about me
1. My feet are claustrophobic, I hate wearing lace-up shoes and boots, anything I'm not able to slip on and off. As soon as I get home or in the car, my shoes are off! And I sleep with both feet out of the covers. (Which has upset quite a few people in my life.)
2. I am obsessed with the smell of Grapefruit, I am tempted to buy anything with that scent even deodorant!
3. I never take off my jewelry, and only change out my earrings and necklace like 2 times a year
Something to get used to!
If anyone knew porter as a baby, they know the only way he would fall asleep is wrapped up supper tight. This lasted until he was like 9-10 months old, everyone would always laugh at us. But as soon as we wrapped him up he was out in seconds.
Well since I was so used to Porter being that way I just figured I would wrap Ellery up nice and tight too. Well.... that doesn't last long, this girl likes to stretch. Total opposites!
Love it!! My feet have the same problem, I am always taking my shoes off in the car or movie theaters and I CAN NOT sleep in socks. Love the shots of Ellery!!!
Such a fun tag...I LOVE the pictures of Ellery, so is TOO darn adorable (but you know that already) :)
I can't believe you sleep in your jewelry, aren't you scared it will break? I take mine off as soon as I get home. I'm the opposite about shoes, I feel naked w/o them and prefer homes where I don't have to take them off. Funny.
Ellery is adorable, what a little doll.
Oh and I like your hair cut, looks very cute!!
I love the grapefruit scent, too! Have you tried the Bath and Body Works flower plug-ins in the pink grapefruit smell? I just got it at their big June sale, and I love it!!!
Kaitlyn slept with one arm out like your last picture! So funny. Brayden hated to be wrapped at all. It is fun getting to know the personalities.
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