Sunday, June 15, 2008

Who said you could grow up?

It's official he's too big, he's off to bigger and better things! I know that everyone says it is so hard to see your baby head off to kindergarten, 1st grade etc. No one warned my about NURSERY!! Ya, ya.... I know it's not a huge deal, and NO I did not cry or anything. But honestly who said he could grow up?


Nate and Jamie said...

Oh Man, I am counting down the days until Nursery! I can't wait to enjoy a lesson inside a room rather than the hall way :) I bet Porter loved nursery.

mickiandryan said...

Ok it really is official. Ali just said "Porters a kid now"? She was looking at your blog with me. He has grown so much WOW!

Brady, Emily, Brinklee, Adri (Private) said...

Brinklee just went to nursery on Sunday too! My word! They really are getting so old when the go to nursery. She walked right in and never looked back. I can't believe it. I do have to say, you do get a little more out of church when you are not running around the halls anymore.

Stephanie said...

Awwww, nursery!? I know what you mean...Kaitlyn started coming like a month ago and I was like, "Already??!!" Of course I was finally "officially" released last Sunday. That's 2 months away from Jack being in there by himself, so I really hope it goes well for me. By the way, I wasn't the one who said he could grow up, so I'm happy to be off the crap list :P
Ps. your haircut is SO cute!