Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nite Nite Time

Porter thought it was so cool when we put Ellery in his crib tonight. We have found that it is easiest to say family prayer when we put Porter in his crib, he will just lay there quietly and listen. So for fun we decided to lay the kids next to each other during prayer and he thought it was so fun!

P.S. TWO is better than ONE! Not that I didn't love my time with just Porter. But it is such a blast having 2 children, I love them to pieces!!
My little wide eyed girl! They change SO fast, I think she looks different already!


Brady, Emily, Brinklee, Adri (Private) said...

She is so beautiful Mindi! I am so excited for you and I am glad that they were able to induce you! Pregnancy can get kind of scary sometimes! Wow! Imagine how big she would have been had she gone another week! What a chunk! Chunky is good though.

Linds Forrest said...

Oh cute! That is so awesome he loves her so much. She is a doll!! I can't believe you are a Momma of 2. I love that you love being a Mom!! I am so excited for you!

mickiandryan said...

That is to cute!! I love her eyes. Porter is getting so big!! What makes me sad is I don't know when I will see you guys and hold little Ellery. Let us know what your plans are to go home,so we can try to get up there the same time.

Stephanie said...

I LOVE that big huge smile on Porter's face - SO cute :D They are too adorable!

Jessica said...

That's so sweet! I'm sure she can't grow up fast enough in Porter's eyes so he can play with her. But you're probably the opposite and want her to stay little, they grow so fast at first! I can tell you're a great Mom just by the way you talk about it, what lucky kids!!

Tamara Jacobs said...

those are the sweetest pictures. She is beautiful. That's awesome that you love having two...they already look like best little buddies!

Anonymous said...

Cute bag ninj. Oh,yeah... the kids are cute too. Love the pics of the babe. Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

You have such good pictures of Ellery with her eyes open. Is she really alert?