Monday, August 11, 2008

3 Months +1 day :P

This is a perfect example of Ellery, watching her brother all day long. I love this picture!
Best friends!


mickiandryan said...

She is dang cute! I wish that I could hold her. I miss you guys! Porter is getting big. I can't wait to see you guys when are you coming out?

Stephanie said...

You are SO right - that picture is precious!

Megan said...

That's why I am excited to have another so they can entertain eachother and be buds. They are so cute together.

Anonymous said...

Three months already?? Wow. I can see that she looks like Jason in these pics, especially the 2nd one! Happy month-day Ellery!

Carli said...

true happiness huh Loo?? They are so dang precious. I sure wish I could know them. Maybe some day. Love you guys.